
You’ve got to stay strong

Amidst these tough time, we’re all surely wondering how we are going to survive this lockdown. We definitely need to stay strong. Hold on till it dies down. Anxiety has kicked in for the most of us. Especially now that the lockdown has been extended. I know I was counting down to the last few days. Although deep down I knew that there was a high possibility that it could be extended. It definitely is hard to believe anyways.

But my question to you is, how are you holding up? Are you in a safe space? Are you mentally and physically ok? I think these are the important questions that I ask my loved ones. You really don’t want to be stuck in a place where days drag to years.

If the answer to the questions above is yes, consider yourself blessed. If the answer is no, there are a lot of channels opened up to help you. Especially those that are abused in these trying times. Don’t be afraid to speak out.

Take a moment and pray. Pray for you, your family and friends. Pray for the country and all the people in the front line to help us get out of this healthy and safe. One thing I’ve learnt as the days of the lockdown went by is that prayer does heal the weary.

Take time out if needs be. Give yourself that break because now of all times you need the strength and courage to keep on. Call your loved ones regularly if needs be, more especially if you are alone during the lockdown. It will help you feel closer to someone. Remember, you are strong and you can do this.

xoxo – Lolittah

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