
Using social media for your benefit

Social media is like a world of it’s own where everything is made accessible to all. Are you using that to your advantage? Or you just sit on your phone for hours without good gain?

I’ve been asking myself these questions daily after I’ve tracked my social media time. Only to find that at times after 3 hours of social media usage, nothing useful came out of it. Don’t get me wrong, often these questions are misunderstood. Nobody is saying you need to start a business online or be an influencer of some sort to ensure you are using social media well. Because even the most successful online business owners may sometimes get to ‘waste’ time online. So how do you use it to your advantage?

Here are a few tips to get you started:


It could be eBooks, blogs or informational twitter/Facebook pages. Something that will leave you having learnt something new is what you need to subscribe yourself into.

Follow the right people

Are following people because they are just famous or you want to learn from them? If your answer is the first, then you need to rethink your motives. What are you gaining from your favorite musician? Just good music isn’t enough. As a person you need to see growth through your hero, feel inspired to do more or motivated to succeed.


Make google your best friend. Stemming from the first point, some of the best blogs are found through google. Just type in a key word and let google do the rest for you. From motivational blogs to tutorial based blogs, all is there waiting for you to search for it. Even just a simple recipe it’s there. Even your twitter/Facebook pages can be very research based for you to find more about your favorite brands. It is just in the way you channel yourself into,

Now, go in there and use your phone wisely. Remember to subscribe to lolittah ❤️

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