Lifestyle,  Motivation

Top 5 2020 success tips

Hey Queens, I hope you missed us. Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR! We’ve been held up in a lot. However, no worries because we are back. Right on time!

2020 has been great thus far and we are excited to continue aligning ourselves in as far as our brand is concerned. So today we want to share top 5 success tips to conquer the new year.


What is brand alignment? Did you know that you are a walking brand? Yes you are. How you speak and what you say says a lot about you. Who you associate with and where you spend your time attracts the same energy. So it’s high time you align with what brings you growth. Also be mindful of what your post on social media.


At Lolittah we strongly believe that knowledge enlightens. Be it formal or informal. So the question at hand is, Are you feeling your mind with the right knowledge for the sake of your growth? You definitely should. Read the right books, the right articles (online or hard copy), follow the right accounts on social media. Sometimes we find ourselves broken because of mind clutters, let’s declutter and bring the correct energies in our lives.


They say ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’. Agree? Most definitely. When you plan your day, everything just falls in to place and runs smoothly. Then have goals set and work around achieving them through a great plan. Get yourself a planner, it could be a daily/weekly/year planner. That works in also helping you remember your deadline and to-do lists. If you are a journal person, that also works wonders. Science shows that if you write things down you are bound to remember them.


Most often when people hear the word invest, they think money. That’s not always the case, although money isn’t singled out. When we talk about investing in your work, we talk of putting in the effort, the time and passion. No business started by laying in bed the whole day. You need to stop being lazy and wake up and do the work yourself. Go out there, do the necessary research then start implementing. If your business is off the ground, that’s great continue with the work. No one promised an easy road to success. Most often, money is involved. But again they say to make money you need money.


Not tomorrow, not on Monday. Start immediately. Procrastination is a thief of time. You’ll constantly postpone and that means postponing your success. So get up and start that business. Start that account. Start that healthy lifestyle. Start gym if you may. Just start. Unless you start, you won’t know if it is for you. So Queen, go ahead and do it.

Try them. And let them change your life!



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