• Lifestyle,  Motivation

    Peer pressure – Is it still prevalent in current times?

    The concept ‘peer pressure’ has been making waves back then when I was in high school. Unsurprisingly it still is in the current curriculum. Why are we still learning about it? The word peer pressure comes from or rather refers to the influences that our peers have on us that initially we didn’t desire. Having to engage into something merely because your friends are doing so and for the fact that you believe they will reject you or think you aren’t as cool if you don’t… that should be a red flag. Some even go to extreme lengths of ‘removing’ others from the squad because of their ability not to…

  • Motivation

    Top 5 careers in demand

    It’s the 21st century and making the right career choice is important. Especially if you don’t want to find yourself educated without a job. With the rising unemployment rate in. South Africa, one should thread carefully when it comes to choosing their career path. I have simplified it into 10 careers that are currently in demand and will probably be in demand in the next 5 to 10 years. Health sciences – The medical field is one human kind will forever need. People need to stay in good health so from doctors, nurses and general health practitioners, know we will always require them for daily living. Information Technology – As…

  • Motivation

    Journals, are they still necessary in current times?

    Remember back in 2006 where we would turn a two quire book into a journal with a get to know me page and little messages. Those were the days, we would even write song lyrics and questionnaires. In the age of digital advancement, we went past those times. But journaling is still a thing. However in a different and productive way. We now call them ‘planners’. They look more advanced and are used to help up be more productive and professional in what we do. I’m not trying to bash anyone, but if you don’t have a planner, maybe try educating yourself on one. It doesn’t have to be physical…

  • Motivation

    The viability of education and learning

    I had a very interesting conversation with my learners today. As a teacher I always try to encourage them to study and never stop studying. This is because this world we live in requires one to be educated for them to leap into success. One of them said to me, ‘school and studying isn’t for me, I’m a pretty young man I’ll become a model or actor’. As stunned as I was, I then asked him, ‘you’ll be an uneducated model all your life?’, with all these already successful models and actors who are constantly educating themselves in their industry. In essence what I was trying to explain to them…

  • Lifestyle,  Motivation

    Re-Define yourself

    RE-DEFINE define again or differently Your life and your purpose should be owned by you. If you’ve been living your life solely on other people’s terms, today it’s time to redefine your life and yourself. To define means to establish the essence of something. In this case your identity. Redefining allows room for corrections of past mistakes. This simply means that you admit to having done mistakes but never letting mistakes define who you are now. Because you are taking the stand to define again what was once the best of you. The importance of redefining yourself. Regardless of what people have made you believe of yourself in the past.…

  • Lifestyle,  Motivation


    One of the hardest things in life is to let go. I can never fathom how some people do it. But I must say, it’s a need. At times we hold onto things that no longer serve us any good purpose to an extent that it becomes a burden we carry daily. If you resonate with this I have some news for you. Both good and bad. This time I’ll start with the good news. Here it goes: you are a great person and God will continue blessing you abundantly. But I’m gonna burst that bubble before you enjoy it. Holding on to things or people rather that don’t bring…

  • Lifestyle,  Motivation

    Are you reading enough books?

    One of my 2019 resolutions was to read books like never before. I kept it at a book a month. I must say, if reading isn’t for you, this commitment is a little bit extreme if you’re studying or working, or doing both like I am. However, for myself I’m enjoying it so far. Reading books is essential especially if you want to grow in certain aspects of life. It could be a personal thing or a professional growth strategy. I’m sure you can tell the difference between a person who reads and one who doesn’t. If you haven’t read any book in the last three months, hmm. Maybe try…

  • Lifestyle,  Motivation

    Know your worth

    As young women in this new Era, it is very easy to get caught up into what society deems we need to be like. Only forgetting that after all we are our own persons. Many young people are prone to falling into depression, anxiety and or committing suicide than ever before. Have you ever asked yourself why? The answer is simple, we set standards that we ourselves can’t follow. Then expect everyone else to. When they don’t, we start labeling them into failures or rather not enough for us. For numerous years pear pressure has led to many young people doing things they are not so comfortable in doing all…

  • Motivation

    Using social media for your benefit

    Social media is like a world of it’s own where everything is made accessible to all. Are you using that to your advantage? Or you just sit on your phone for hours without good gain? I’ve been asking myself these questions daily after I’ve tracked my social media time. Only to find that at times after 3 hours of social media usage, nothing useful came out of it. Don’t get me wrong, often these questions are misunderstood. Nobody is saying you need to start a business online or be an influencer of some sort to ensure you are using social media well. Because even the most successful online business owners…

  • Motivation

    Are you thankful enough?

    So today I’m feeling a little emotional, come to think of it this has been going on for quite a while now. I’m going to take this time to pour it all out. I actually want to share this graceful period with me. Give yourself a moment and look back. It could be your life’s journey, it could be career related or just a personal thing. What I want you to do it’s take a timer and time it to 30 seconds. In this 30 seconds think about all the good things that have happened in your life. LETS GO  When you’re done. Does it make you smile or cry?…